Despiteunforeseen challenges including a worktable near-collapse and power outages, the12 chefs from across the state of Georgia who competed during the inauguralGolden Onion professional cooking competition on Sunday, April 22, 2012, inVidalia, Ga., impressed judges with their creative, high-quality andsophisticated dishes showcasing the famous Vidalia® onion, Georgia’s official state vegetable.
Theinaugural Golden Onion, which served as the official kick-off to the 35thAnnual Vidalia Onion Festival, offered a new platform for competitors to displaytheir skills and creativity, as each chef had just one hour to prepare andpresent a recipe featuring Vidalia®onions.
Fromthe mountains to the coast, fine dining to casual eateries, new businessventures to long-standing community mainstays, the roster of 12 chefcompetitors represented a cross-section of Georgia restaurants and cuisine. Butonly one could take home the Golden Onion.
“Itwas a fun competition, a great opportunity to see and compete with fellowchefs,” said Chef White, who admitted this was her first time participating ina professional cooking competition. “I’m honored with the win, especiallyconsidering the chefs and element of the competition.” She says that her recipewas inspired by Serenbe Farm and her “love for Vidalia onions.”
“Tohave this much talent come into our area and compete using our Vidalia onionsas the main ingredient in their dishes is very good for our community and forour industry,” said Bob Stafford, director of the Vidalia® Onion Business Council and Vidalia® Onion Hall of Fame inductee.
“Thecompetitors made it tough on the judges,” said Hope S. Philbrick, Atlanta-basedfreelance writer and editor who conceived of and helped launch the Golden Onioncompetition. “The score margins were razor thin. All the chefs who did not wincan feel justified considering themselves as having come in fourth place. Ihope to see all these dishes on the menus at their restaurants.”
Disheswere judged on the basis of taste, presentationand creativity. Failure to feature the flavor of Vidalia® onions or making last-minute changesto the recipe that was submitted during the application process would havereduced a chef’s final score. Judging was blind.
AsFirst Place Champion, Chef Hilary White was awarded the Golden Onion trophy, anexclusive honor to hold for one year. The trophy, designed by Georgia artistMelissa Harris, must be surrendered the following year to the next winner. ChefWhite also received a cash prize of $500. As second place winner Chef JustinKeith received $250; third place winner Chef Austin Rocconi received $100. Allwinners will also receive commemorative plaques.
TheGolden Onion competition was presented by the Vidalia Onion Festival Committeein cooperation with the Vidalia®Onion Committee, Georgia Department of Economic Development, and the GeorgiaRestaurant Association. For more information, visit
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