Erroll Davis, Superintentent of Atlanta Public Schools released his official recommendation to the school board for changes to the Atlanta Public School System. It includes closing 13 schools which accounts for 7,200 of the 13,000 empty seats throughout the APS system.
Fast forward to Buckhead and how things will change here. After all of the community meetings and discussions and potential fire-sales, not much will change. His preliminary recommendation calls for all elementary school districts to remain the same. Schools will be monitored for overcrowding and future changes could come to relieve those conditions.
The biggest changes we will see are in buildings. North Atlanta High School will move to its new location in the Fall of 2013. Sutton Middle School will move to the former North Atlanta location on Northside Drive in the Fall of 2013. E. Rivers Elementary School will be rebuilt in the Fall of 2013 and students will relocate to the former Sutton campus during the rebuild.
Being a Chastain Park resident, my question is what will happen with the Sutton campus after E. Rivers moves back into it's new school? If any of you know more about this, I'd love to hear it.
Next Steps:
A community meeting for zone 4 (Buckhead) which feeds into North Atlanta High School will be held on March 13, 2012 from 6:30-8pm at the North Atlanta High School Campus. The objective of this meeting will be to gather community input on the latest recommendation.
You can follow along at the APS live blog http://talkupaps.wordpress.com/
Thanks for reading! Carson Matthews
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