Since then, Georgia has played a role in many movies.
Currently, Universal Pictures is in Atlanta filming scenes for Identity Theft.
The Georgian Terrace Hotel will play a role in the film...
...though you may not recognize it since a careful lookout for props indicates that the hotel will sport a new name for the film:
Amusingly, this map positioned behind the set desk says "St. Louis" but the magazines on the desk say "Atlanta."
Other Atlanta locations include the Georgia Aquarium, which also appeared in The Last Song (a movie I do not recommend) with the suggestion that it was located on Tybee Island.
Identify Theft "stars two well-known actors, Jason Bateman and Melissa McCarthy,” said Doug Vaught, Chair of the Coastal Georgia Film Alliance. “It’s a comedy wrapped around a compelling and timely story about a cash-strapped father seeking a shortcut out of his struggles.”
According to a press release, Identity Theft finds Bateman as a happily married man with a loving wife (Amanda Peet) and two adorable moppets (We Bought A Zoo’s Maggie Elizabeth Jones and real-life acting sibling Mary-Charles Jones) who discovers that a clever criminal has swiped his identity. But when he confronts the perpetrator (McCarthy), he instead finds more of a wake-up call than justice.
In early July the production crew for Identity Theft will head south to film scenes in St. Marys, Georgia.
I look forward to watching it.
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